In December of 2020 we reached out to two local high schools and one church to see if they had any children or families in need during the holiday season. What we found was heartbreaking.
We were handed 87 children that were in need of basics. Toiletries, sweatshirts for the cold months, food for the weekends, Christmas dinners, trees and gifts. After more communication with social workers we found that in Clay County, Fl alone there were over 600 children in need in our school system.
As parents ourselves, our hearts ached for the kids that sat beside our own that did not have access to basic needs. Further hindering their learning, opening up the potential to be bullied, and sadly effecting their ability to be successful after graduation.
We decided that this would be one of our key initiatives. Ensuring every child has what they need to have a successful education. We supply them with everything including beds, clothes, food, basic needs and taking it next level by offering mentorship, Dress for Success skills, resume writing, and teaching interview techniques.
Some of our schools are in need of portables to properly house donated food and clothing items. Some schools merely need the mentors. Whatever the need we look to fill it.
As of Fall 2021, we will be working with schools in Florida and North Carolina. By the end of 2022 we aim to be in Colorado and California as well.
These children are our future and we must be sure they are all receiving everything they need to make the world a better place once we are gone.